Here are some screenshots form the season 8: espisode 1. Vincent is looking a little bit thinner....
almost full length porn...
His clothes seemed to fit him and I thought he was gorgeous without his facial scruff, although I still can not decide between the two: scruffy or clean-shaven...
Lovely screencaps, I'll be watching this tonight - whoo hoo!!
I don't care if he has a beard, a goatee, stubble (although I ADORE the 'stubbly-look'), or clean shaven, any facial hair is on Vincent's face, so it's fine ;0)
Bobby is back!! He is clean shaven after a long time;good..even I don't mind the stubble or any sort of form of facial hair..just changing the style is refereshing!!:)
Lovely screencaps, I'll be watching this tonight - whoo hoo!!
I don't care if he has a beard, a goatee, stubble (although I ADORE the 'stubbly-look'), or clean shaven, any facial hair is on Vincent's face, so it's fine ;0)
Just seen it, then capped it, waiting for the caps to upload. There are some very special ones, aren't there?
Bobby is back!!
He is clean shaven after a long time;good..even I don't mind the stubble or any sort of form of facial hair..just changing the style is refereshing!!:)
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