Thursday, July 31, 2008


I just got the movie Dying Young. I thought it was really good. I had to wait for a life time until I got to see Vincent D'Onofrio, but it was wwell worth it. I am waiting for two more movies in the mail. Sherlock Holmes and Blood of Heroes. I can't wait to see them. I know Vincent likes to play small roles, but I want to see him in the starring roles more often. Does anyone know what his newest movies are?

Eternally Yours-chapter five

Here is chapter five:
Benji woke up to the smell of bacon cooking. She looked at the clock and it said five a.m. "Who wakes up at five to make bacon?" She moaned to herself.

She got up, took a shower, did her morning routine and then proceeded to get dress. She went into the kitchen/dining area and saw Bobby making breakfast. "I was hungry." He said to her as he was flipping an omelet over in a frying pan. "I hope you are too. I make a mean omelet." He then set a plate in front of her.

Her mouth began to water at the meal he presented to her. Without a word, she began to eat. It was the best omelet she had ever eaten. He sat across from her and watched her intensely before eating his share. "Mmm, this is really good." She said in between bites.

"I'm glad you like it." He drank some coffee. "I really appreciate you letting me stay the night."

"No problem." Benji drank some orange juice. "You can stay anytime." And she meant it. "Do you always get up this early?"

"Sometimes. When something is bothering me, I usually do." He finished eating before her and went to wash his plate.

A girl could get use to this, she thought as she watched him moving about her kitchen. He went on to wash the pan and cleaned the counter top. "You don't have to do that." Benji said to him.

"Look, it's no problem. I want to." Bobby finished what he was doing. He was already dressed and ready to go. "Do you think we could get going? I really want to know what happened to Mr. Pickles, other than the obvious."

"Sure, I'm already dressed, so we can go right now."

Bobby grabbed his dirty clothes and headed for the door. Benji grabbed her keys and soon they wereheading to their daily jobs.

Benji told Bobby she would get the reprots and meet him later at his desk and he agreed.


Goren walked to his desk. Since he was usually at his desk before Eames, today was no exception. Something caught his eye; it was another yellow envelope. this one was more bulky than the last one, and Goren didn't want to open it, but he knew he had to. He opened the content onto his desk. A VCR tape landed on top of his leather notebook. He sighed softly when he read the inscription. It simply said Ariana.

"What's that?" Eames asked, just getting to her desk.

Goren looked at her sadly. "I think it's a tape of Ariana."

Eames shook her head. "What did the note say?" She pointed to a note that waslying under the tape.

Goren was losing his game. He didn't see the note. He picked it up and it said now the real game will begin. "Why is he doing this to me?" Bobby picked up the tape almost afraid to watch it.

"You know we have to watch it." Alex too did not really want to see what was on the tape.

"I know." Bobby headed to the video room. "I think we better get this over with."


Benji stopped at Goren's desk, but she didn't see him around. She sighed softly wondering where he could be. He knew she was supposed to meet him here. She was about to leave, when she thought she recognized his shadow that was bouncing off of the shade of another room. She tapped lightly on the door and Eames opened it.

Alex motioned for her to enter. Bobby was watching the tape that he had received. All Benji could hear was crying and screaming, and when she looked at the television screen, she saw Araina begging for her life. She turned her head and looked at Goren. The sadness was back in his face. He looked at Benji and smiled slightly while pausing the TV.

"What have you got for me?" He asked her.

She ahd the report in her hands. "Mr. Pickles didn't die like we thought. It wasn't the knife. The knife was post-mortem." She handed him the file.

"Really? What did kill him?" Bobby asked not looking at the file.

"Mr. Pickles died?" Alex asked shocked.

Benji nodded then continued, "He was strangled with fishing line."

Goren sighed and shut the TV off. "I guess Joey's assumption of giving this guy anickname is more than correct."

Alex and Benji agreed. For the first time, Bobby was lsot for words. He seemed lost and discouraged. He ahd lost hismother, girlfriend, and cat in just a year. He didn't want to cry anymore. He had finally come back from purgatory and all hell seems to have broke out. He held his head in his hands not wanting to face the coming weeks.

Benji gently touched his shoulder and he glanced at her. "We will catch him." She tried to reassure him and he smiled at her.

"I know, but who else will he destroy before we do." He showed her the note.

"Now the real game will begin." Benji read the note out loud. "He calls this a game. I don't like his games." She handed it back to him. "You are strong. You will catch him, I know you will."

"I have to agree with Benji," said Eames. "Don't let him knock you down."

"It could be part of his game," added Benji. "And we don't want him to win."

Goren looked at both girls. They were right and it gave him the will-power to get up and fight back.
Because the next chapter is darker and more fiercer, I will post that one on amorous intent. I will let you know when it is available.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The promise

Here is a new short story for all you Goren/Eames shippers out there. Enjoy!!!

The Promise

by aprilspring

They lowered the coffin into the ground and it was all she could do not to cry. Her partner was gone and she wasn't sure how to go on without him. They gave him a twenty-one gun salute for all his years in the precinct.

He deserved to live, damn it, Alex Eames thought still holding back tears. It should have been me, her thoughts continued as she finally allowed the tears to fall down her cheeks.

Dressed in her informal officer attire, she could barely look at all who had attended. Captain Ross was there, along with Mike Logan and his partner, Wheeler. Even their old captain came to pay his respects.

Eames' thoughts went back to two days ago, when she and her partner, Robert Goren had busted in on a slavery ring. She had wanted him to wait for back-up, but she also knew that he was not one for technicalities.

It was her who had opened that door without thinking and it was Bobby who had pushed her out of the way of a bullet that was heading straight towards her. Bobby had heard the gun cocked and knew what would come after that.

He took the bullet that was meant for her.

They rushed him to the hospital with a bullet in his chest. Blood was flowing freely from the wound and although they tried to stop it, it just wasn't enough. He died in her arms, on route.

And now two days later, they were burying her best friend and partner. She should have told him how she really felt, how much she loved him, and then maybe he would have had something to fight for.

Someone gently touched her shoulder and she looked up. Mike stood there with his condolences. It pissed her off. Here he was standing with his partner, while hers was cold and in a dark box, but all she could do was stare straight ahead.

She wanted this to be over, so she could go back to work and forget everything, but Captain Ross had insisted she go to therapy.

Damn it! Why couldn't they just leave her alone? Damn you Bobby. Why did you have to leave me? Alex just couldn't take it anymore, so she screamed. She screamed at the top of her lungs and no one even bothered to look her way. NO ONE!!!

Suddenly someone was shaking her and she wanted him to stop, so she punched him.

"Ouch!" he yelled.

She opened her eyes and looked into those infamous brown eyes. Bobby was looking at her while holding his nose.

"You were having a bad dream." He said rubbing his hurt nose.

Alex began to cry and Bobby gave her a baffled look. She was so releived that it was only a dream. She took his lovely face in her hands and kissed him.

As she held him close she had never felt so thanksful. Bobby Goren willnever know hos close she was to losing him forever.

Alex held the man in her arms, refusing to let him go. She laid onhis bed and kissed him tenderly.

Bobby couldn't understand what it was that Eames had dreamt, but he was grateful, as he kissed her back.

"I love you! eames murmured into Bobby's neck and he smiled.

He had always know, and it made his heart sing. "I love you too!" He whispered against her ear, as he trailed kisses down her neck.

Soon alex's dream was temporalily forgotten as the two of them surrendered to their fervor's sultry moment.

"Promise me, that you will never take a bullet that is meant for me?" Eames asked holding Bobby in her arms, minutes after their passion had subsided.

Bobby rolled onto his side, so he could see her in the pale moonlight and what he saw made him sad: tears welling up in her eyes. "I never want to make you cry." He said holding her close to her chest.

"Then promise!" She said again, taking in his masculine scent and listening to his heartbeat.

"I promise!" Bobby said and he wondered what it was that had her so terrified of losing him.

She was never going to tell him that in her dream, he had died adn she had to go through the rest of her life without him. This was something she did not want to think about, EVER. She snuggled against him, listening to his steady heartbeat and thanking God that it was only a dream.

The End!!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Amorous intent

I just got an account with Amorous Intent, so you can now read my stories there. I hope that it is okay with everyone. Please do not hestitate to leave me a message telling me what you think. I love feedback.

Please leave me feedback. I guess I am begging.. haha

My slideshow. Enjoy!!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th

To all my america friends, have a happy 4th of july. And a happy 4th to all of you whereever you live.

Sorry for borrowing some one else pic. I don't know where I got it, but enjoy....And thanks to whoever it belongs to..

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Bobby has a Daughter-only a story

Bobby Has a Daughter
This is a short story about Bobby Goren finding out he has a daughter. This is written in his own words. Of course he doesn't have daughter, at least not yet. Thank you Vincent D'Onofrio. Enjoy!!!!!

July 1, 2008

It was a hot July day and Eames and I were sitting at our desks discussing the turn of events that had happened from a particular homicide. We were at a dead end and although we did not like or want to admit it, the events were not in our favor. This particular day it seemed the humidity from outside had seeped into the very core of the precinct. I was HOT and I didn't want to be here anymore.

I found myself daydreaming of sitting in a pool of sparkling clear water. It started to rain, just a sprinkle and I cherished the water as it splash against my face. A giggle snapped me back to reality and I realized it was Eames. She had taken her fingers and dipped them into a cup of water and tossed it in my direction. Man, did I feel foolish. I only smiled at her.

She smiled back, but she knew I would probably get her later and I would. "It sure is hot today." She managed to say, wiping some sweat off her brow.

"The captain said the air conditioner had broken and they were working on fixing it, but you know how it goes." I answered her.

Eames acknowledged me by saying, "Yeah, yeah." then she put her face back into her notes. She picked up the phone and made a call.

I tried my best to concentrate, but I couldn't. Someone tapped me on the shoulder and I turned to look. "Excuse me detective," a fellow officer said to me, "there is a young lady wishing to speak to you."

"Wishing to speak to me?" I repeated.

"Yes sir, I have her sitting in the interview room. She's a real looker." The officer then walked away.

I was baffled by his remark. I haven't been visited by a woman in about-hell-never, let alone a young lady. This really peaked my curiosity, but what does that old saying say? Curiosity killed the cat. Am I even allowed to think that? I looked at Eames, hoping she could shed some light on the matter, but she was still on the phone and it looked like she was having an enjoyable conversation too. I thought she was making a call to solve the case, silly me, I thought.

I sighed softly and walked to the interview room. I had to have a peek. Yes, curiosity did get the best of me, after all I am only human. I looked through the glass and saw a petite young girl, not lady, sitting at the table with her hands folded in her lap. Couldn't have been no more than eleven or twelve, pretty though. Her brown hair was long with bangs across her forehead. She did look familiar, but I couldn't place her. It was her eyes, a light chocolate brown. Where have I seen eyes like that before, I kept wondering.

She looked up at me and smiled slightly. I've decided to enter the room. "Hello there young lady."

"Are you Mr. Robert Goren?" she asked me.

"Yes, I am and you are?"

"My name is Myra." She said extending her hand out for a shake. She seemd so mature for her age.

"How can I help you?" I asked her taking a seat across from her. I could not over her eyes. I know I've seen eyes like that before.

"Do you know Christine Jenkins?" She was to the point. She seemed a lot like-well like me.

Christine Jenkins. Wow, I haven't heard that name in nearly twelve years or so. "I have known her." I answered her. "Is she your mom?" I could see a resemblance.

Myra smiled and her face lit up as if she had received a really cool present. "Yes."

"Did she send you?" I asked. It made me wondered if Chrissy was nearby and I got nervous. We didn't part on the best of terms.

"No." Myra looked down at the table, almost afraid to look me in the eye.

"Then where is your mother?" I asked. She still wouldn't look my in the eye. "Does she know you are here?"

Myra held her head up, "no."

I was shocked that this young girl would be wandering the streets of New York City, without supervision. At least my daughter wouldn't be. "You are too young to be going about the city."

Her smiled faded, "I am not! I'm nearly twelve!" Her bottom lip pouted.

The girl had no idea what lurked on the streets. Perverts, murderers, pimps; all looking for fresh young blood like her. I've seen it all and it isn't pretty. If she was my daughter, she certainly wouldn't be by herself, I found myself thinking. Her innocence made me smile.

"So, why did you want to see me?" I changed the subject.

She wiggled restlessly in her chair and I decided to get her something to drink. I excused myself and left the room leaving her with her thoughts.

I stopped at the soda machine and got her a can of Sprite. I still could not get over those eyes. Where have I seen eyes like that? I walked past my desk. Eames was still on the phone, laughing and giggling and I just shook my head. I really needed her opinion right now, but whoever was on the phone had her undivided attention.

I opened the can and set it in front of Myra. she took a sip like a dainty girl would and it made me smile. She sure was a proper young lady. I sure hope she stays that way.

On the table was an envelope and she pushed it towards me. I didn't notice an envelope before, but I dismiss the thoughts as I took and opened it. Before removing the contents, I gave her one last look as she looked up at me with those brown eyes.

Inside the envelope was a folded piece of paper. I opened it and realized it was a birth certificate, Myra's birth certificate. I looked at her and she was still watching me. She seemed so eager. "What is this?"

"Didn't you read it?" Her smile faded.

"I know it is your birth certificate, but why do you want me to read it?" I was really stupid.

There was that pout again. "Did you read who the father was?" She managed to blurt out.

I gave her a long hard stare and then I looked at the certificate again. Under the father section was typed, Robert Goren. My eyes got wide. Of course, now I knew where I saw those eys. I looked at those eyes everyday; everytime I look in the mirror. They were my eyes.

I wanted to run and hide. There was no way I was this young girl's father, but I could not deny it either. There were rumors of why Chrissy left, but I never persued them. I began to panic, but I tried not to let her see. How did something like this happen? Of course, I know how it happened, I just wasn't willing to accept it.

"Did your mother send you?" I wasn't smiling and she saw that. Her eyes began to fill with tears and it broke my heart.

She shook her head. Her bottom lip began to quiver. She actually hadn't thought about how I would feel or if I would accept it or not. She probably had some father fantasy about how when she told me, I would sweep her in my arms and we would live happily ever after. Well, little girl, this isn't a fairy tale and I am certainly not your father in shining armor, I thought.

But, I couldn't tear myself away from her. I wanted to run, but my feet would not go the distance it would take to get away from her. Her tears fell down her cheeks as she looked at me and I was afraid; afraid of my own stupid feelings. I am NOT supposed to feel things like this. I am a detective; a cop; a law enforcer; trained to catch even the most horrid of criminals and here is a young girl, barely old enough to understand life itself, but here she is just the same, torturing me. She has somehow grabbed a hold of the strings of my heart and man, does she have a grip. I can not pull away, nor do I want to.

I find myself going to where she is sitting. Back up Bobby boy! Don't go near her! Stay away! RUN! But I can not. I take her in my arms and hold her close as she cries against my chest. Suddenly my thoughts take a different turn. This is my daughter. My heart is beating with pride and I am realizing that I want this; I need this. Women have this maternal instinct, maybe men have a paternal instinct. I do not know, but something has happened to my cold, old heart and it has to do with a special little girl.

.......I am a father......