Sunday, August 16, 2009


Need I say More.....

Monday, August 10, 2009

VDO vixens are the nicest.....

Since I buttered you all up, I thought I would share a pic of me. This was on my birthday. I had just got my hair cut and highlights. Grant you, I'm twenty pounds lighter and I have contacts now, but I thought that if any one was interested at what I looked like, I would post a pic, and so not to disappoint anyone, our wonderful man is also presented......

See, I try not to disappoint anyone. So what do you think? I know he is the main atttraction, but I had to make an entrance......

Saturday, August 8, 2009

bad news

As most of you know, I was back in school to be a forensic scientist, but I just found out that you can't have any drug history. And I do, I use to do drugs for nearly twenty years. I have been cleaned for nearly ten, but to work as a forensic scientist, you can never have done drugs, so that door was closed, but as they say god never close a door without opening a window. And he has. I have changed my major to elementary school teacher. That was my second love and I feel there will be more doors open with that career. I hope no one is disappointed with me...Sorry about the latest artwork. Photo bucket ruined the quality. I swear it didn't look like that when I did it.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

I'm sorry

I just want to apologize for not posting a lot. School has been taking top priority and so has work. I haven't forgotten you guys and I hope the next two pixs will make up for it. Hopefully tonight on LOCI will be wonderful. Of course, it will be wonderful to watch, but I hope the story line is extra good tonight. I promise I will have something special posted soon....