Saturday, August 8, 2009

bad news

As most of you know, I was back in school to be a forensic scientist, but I just found out that you can't have any drug history. And I do, I use to do drugs for nearly twenty years. I have been cleaned for nearly ten, but to work as a forensic scientist, you can never have done drugs, so that door was closed, but as they say god never close a door without opening a window. And he has. I have changed my major to elementary school teacher. That was my second love and I feel there will be more doors open with that career. I hope no one is disappointed with me...Sorry about the latest artwork. Photo bucket ruined the quality. I swear it didn't look like that when I did it.


Anonymous said...

Well done you for straightening out your life,I think that's something you should be very PROUD of. Good luck in your new career - and there's nothing wrong with the artwork, it looks wonderful to me.

val said...

What, do they think you will help yourself to things in the lab even though you gave it all up so long ago?

Luckily it seems that education authorities have a more open mind.

Sock it to 'em.

Anonymous said...

When God opens a window, then it is usually for a good reason that you may not understand right now.
I think you should be proud of having the strength to quit drugs and stick to it. Sadly, so many of my high school friends and college friends went down that dark,slippery path and never made it back.
I have so enjoyed your many artworks, pictures, and topics about the sexiest man alive--OUR VINCENT- and hope that you will continue to give us pleasure with your comments, thoughts, and creativity.

aprilspring said...

Thank you all for your kind words. It wasn't an easy road and it still tries to lure me down that same road, but I have so much more now and I don't ever want to look back..

Anonymous said...

I've heard of teachers using CSI type lesson plans, so maybe you top two interests will tie themselves together.

And maybe you can help a number of kids to avoid going down a dangerous path.

And you know, the man himself dropped out of college because it just wasn't working out for him. And aren't we glad that he decided to be who he is?

So be proud, be who you are. And just think - summers off!