Monday, February 11, 2008

Well I had my MRI and it's what the docs think it is. The sciatic nerve is pinched. I now have to go a neurologist and go from there. I sure hope they can get it unpinched without surgery. I had a pinched nerve in my neck and therapy and Chiropractors couldn't get it unpinched. I had to have surgery and I an't afford it this time...

Well I hope you all will enjoy the eye candy...


val said...

Poor thing! Sciatica is - dare I say it? - a real pain. I remember having it aged 23 and feeling like an ancient crone.

Hope it gets well soon.

Jane said...

I like the Vincent art very much, sorry to hear your unwell, rest up as much as you can.

Anonymous said...

You have my sympathies. As I told you, it took me MONTHS of therapy to get rid of mine...and some days I STILL know it's there.

Take one Vincent D'Onofrio 3 times a day. Guaranteed to make you feel better ;0)

mary said...

Hubby is often flat on the floor with his back. Hope youcan stay away from surgery.