Sunday, May 4, 2008

chapter three

So sorry about the repeat. Here is chapter three. I am not a fan of romance between Goren and Eames, so I don't think this one will be a romance story, not with them together anyway. I want Bobby for myself. haha... I'ven finished four chapters already and started the fifth one. So enjoy.....

Disclaimer: Again I do not own any of the characters from Law & Order: criminal intent. Only the ones I created for this story....
Chapter three:

Major Case
1 Police Plaza (I think that's the address)

After having to get back to work on his own, Goren walked to his desk and threw his leather book onto it. Eames only looked up from her laptop briefly before puttng her nose back into it.

After a bit of silence, she finally asked, "So do you think she did it?"

Bobby only looked at her.

"I didn't think so," she said going back to her computer.

"Why are you so convinced that she did?" He asked her.

"Look at the evidence, Bobby!"

"You don't think I did?"

"I don't know what to think any more." Alex said sarcastically.

"What is that suppose to mean?" This was the first real argument the two have had and Bobby did not like the feelings he was getting from it. She had disagreed before, but not like this and it upset him.

"Bobby, since your mother died, you've been, well, preoccupied," she said a little softer. The look he gave her told her she was treading on dangerous waters. "I just want you to be careful. You re being watched."

"Alex, stop worrying about e, I can take care of myself," Goren pushed his chair away from the desk to get up. In a manly huff, he went to get some coffee and wet into an empty room to think.

Alex watched him leave-sad that they had argued-sad that deep inside she knew Goren was probably right. The girl was innocent and it tore her up. She was better than thi. Holding back a tear, she went to find Goren.


Eames found him in an interrogation room with his ehad in his hands. although she was quiet, Bobby always seems to know when she was around.

"Did you come here to argue some more?" He asked without looking at her.

"No," she said quietly, "I want to apologize, Bobby."

He looked up and only nodded he accepted. "I'm sorry too." He murmured.

"So, tell me what makes her innocent to you?" Alex pulled a chair and sat down.

He tilted his head, trying to understand his partner. "Well, she has bruises on her body."

"Officer Wttman could have fought back," Alex tried to come to some sort of understanding of Bobby's theory.

He sighed softly, "Alex, we both know he didn't fight his attacker and there is no way she would have won the fight, even if he did."

Eames had to agree. There was no way she couldn't. Bobby was right again. "So, what now?"

"We find the real k iller," he said looking into her eyes.

As they get up to go back to their desks, Goren says, "So, I'm being watched, eh?"

Alex smiled, "Big time, Bobby."


A few moments later, the phone rang and Alex answered it, "That was booking. They just brought her in." she said putting the receiver down.

"Well let's go," said Bobby picking up his book.

story written by aprilspring. Chapter four coming soon....

1 comment:

val said...

Well, at least they are in agreement again. Eames should know by now he's always right!