Wednesday, June 25, 2008

EY-chapter Four

Here is the rest of chapter four:

As she was driving, Bobby asked her if they could stop at his place for some clothes and to check on his cat. She agreed and drove him there.

Bobby put his key into the lock and opened the door. "Mr. Pickles!" he called out.

"You named your cat, Mr. Pickles." Benji tried to stifle a laugh, but it came out as a snicker.

"Don't laugh." Bobby said getting some food to feed his cat. "He likes pickles, that's why I named him that."

"Okay, okay." she said putting her hands up in a mocked surrender.

Bobby walked into the bedroom, wondering why his cat didn't come to him. His cat went out during the day, but he was usually in by now. Bobby closed his bedroom door to get his ties. Now he knew why his cat didn't come running.

"What else is going to go wrong?" Goren said mumbling to himself.

"did you say something, Bobby?" asked Benji.

"Yea, I found my cat." The cat was dead. Someone had snuck into bobby's apartment and killed his cat with a knife and attached him to the bedroom door. Also attached was a note that simply said, how does it feel?

Benji walked into his room and saw the cat. "Eew! Get your clothes! Don't touch anything else."

Bobby grabbed some clothes and did as she said. "What about Mr. Pickles?"

"I'll call Joey and have him pick it up, so he can examine it." Benji made her phone call and told Bobby to leave his door unlock. "He'll lock up when he's done."

He nodded and headed out the door with Benji in tow. She began driving to her place this time.

Conversation was limited. Bobby did tell her that his car got totaled and that Alex was
pickinghim up as well as taking him home. Benji proved to be a good listener and Goren liked that. Benji parked her car and led Bobby into her apartment. she threw her purse onto the end tablein her living room and went into the kitchen.

"Why don't you sit down and I'll fix us something to eat." Benji said rummaging in her refrigerator.

"I'm not really hungry." Bobby said sitting on the sofa.

"I didn't ask you if you were hungry," she answered banging pots and pans together and started to prepare some dinner. "I hope you like spaghetti."

Bobby was about to reject, but decided against it. Soon dinner was ready and she set the table. Bobby sat at the table as she served him. She gave him a little wine and he drank it. Despite the fact that he thought he wasn't hungry, he ate the food, and was glad that he did.

Benji smiled at him. "Did you like it?" She asked him clearing the table.

"Yes," he answered, helping her. the dishes got done and she made the couch for him to sleep.

Bobby laid down on the couch that seemed too big for him, but he didn't complain. He tried to go to sleep, but couldn't.

Benji got ready for bed. As soon as her head hit the pillow she fell asleep. Suddenly she woke up. Something didn't seem right. She looked at a chair that was in her room and almost screamed. Someone was sleeping in it. It took her a moment to realize that it was Bobby. He was curled awkward on the chair. She shook her head as she got out of bed and put a blanket on him. The chair was a recliner, and so she pulled it back so he could sleep better. He never woke up and she smiled as she returned to her bed. He just didn't want to be left alone, she understood that now.

Continue the saga, more is yet to happen
Stay tune......

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